Serhiy Yevtushenko

Vice President of Polish-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce. Advisor to the President of Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.

Speaker's bio

Mr. Yevtushenko has 15 years of experience in investments, banking and consulting and over 15 years in management. He supervised a number of M&A contracts, consulted companies in the sector of finance, insurance, FMCG, construction, energy and renewables etc.

In 2005 he founded an “Institute for Euro-Atlantic Cooperation” Analytic Center, leading non-government institution for European and intergovernmental policy case studies. In 2005 Mr. Yevtushenko served as an Advisor to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, 2007 – Head of the Committee on European Integration of Ukraine. From 2007 to 2009 he was a deputy director of “Merit Invest” company.

2009 – 2010 – Sergiy Yevtushenko was a Head of “Invest Ukraine”, state owned enterprise under State Agency for investment and development. He was in charge of investment projects screening for national strategic portfolio. In 2010 he was appointed as a Head of the State Agency for National Projects management of Ukraine. From October 12, 2011 he was a Director of State investment policy and programs Department under the State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine. In 2012 he performs functions of a Head of “One-stop-shop Department” in the State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine

Starting from March 2014 to 2015 he served as a Head of the State Agency for Investment and National Projects of Ukraine. In 2015 Mr. Yevtushenko was a Board member of “Greenway Automotive” and “Greenway Energy” – Turkey based companies, leaders in electric mobility.

In 2016 Sergiy Yevtushenko became a co-founder and Managing Partner at UDP Renewables.